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American Detox: The Myth of Wellness and How We Can Truly Heal


January 22nd
Part 1: Intro-Chapter 2

February 5th
Part 2: Chapters 3-5

February 19th
Part 3: Chapters 6 & 7

March 4th
Part 4: Chapter 8 and Epilogue

10am - 12pm PST

Virtual on Google Meet



*Please note: LMHCAs in Washington state may not count group hours toward “immediate supervision”, but they can be counted toward “all other supervised hours”. I’m working on ways to make this accessible to LMHCAs too, so stay tuned!

Calling all Associates!

Join our group that combines a book club with supervision. It's a great chance to meet other Associates who are doing similar work and making a difference in the world. We'll discuss topics like body image, weight bias, and fatphobia, and how these oppressive systems affect our clients and ourselves. This 4-part, 8-hour supervision group, led by Jackie Abeling, MA, LMFT, will help you understand and address the issues at the forefront of the fat liberation movement.


American Detox: The Myth of Wellness and How We Can Truly Heal

Kerri Kelly


Whitewashed wellness culture gets a withering critique in this fiery debut by yoga teacher and activist Kerri Kelly. Calling wellness “extreme materialism masquerading as a spiritual practice,” she suggests that the commodification of South Asian and Indigenous American mind-body traditions dilutes them and continues colonization’s legacy of injustice. Kelly traces the roots of wellness’s concern with attaining a “healthy” and “normal” body back to early eugenicists, finding that wellness places the “moral imperative” for health on the individual despite research showing “things like poverty, racism, and violence influence our well-being far more than individual behaviors.”

The author also debunks the myth that fatness means ill health, drawing on studies that contest the relationship between BMI and chronic disease. Activities encourage readers to get involved in mutual aid, examine their “proximity to power and privilege,” and form community activism groups. With a crusader’s spirit and an activist’s mindset, Kelly joins a bounty of historical, sociological, and medical evidence in an informed understanding of how injustices intersect under the banner of wellness. Anyone interested in a more equitable approach to alternative medicine should read this.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Jacqueline Abeling, MA, LMFT
    Goes by Jackie (she/her)

    I am an Approved Supervisor in Minnesota (MFT only) and Washington and I am in the process of earning my designation as an AAMFT Approved Supervisor. I am the owner of Embodied Journeys Psychotherapy and I am proud to support up-and-coming mental health professionals by providing guidance in navigating the clinical, legal, ethical, and business complexities of this profession.

    I specialize in disordered eating, body image, and Intuitive Eating using a fat liberation lens. My work is informed by the Health At Every Size® Principles asserted by the Association for Size Diversity and Health and I help supervisees develop liberatory consciousness so the next generation of therapists are liberators of themselves and their clients.

    Learn More

  • This is a 4-part, 8-hour supervision group that combines aspects of a book club with case consultation and supervision. Each group centers around a particular book that will help expand your knowledge and understanding of a particular issue in the body and fat liberation world.

    Each 2-hour session will begin with a discussion about that session’s chapters and, more importantly, help you grapple with the content from a self-of therapist perspective. The second hour is used to present cases or gain guidance on strategies for bringing the contents into your real-world work with clients, so be sure to come prepared with something to talk about.

  • We ask that you attend all sessions for the total 8 hours of group supervision to be granted. That said, things happen and you’ll be granted hours for the time you did attend.

  • At the moment, yes. This preserves the 6:1 ratio for group supervision and ensures compliance with State statutes.

    If you are an independently licensed clinician interested in participating, you are welcome to email us to be placed on a waitlist. If there is still room a few days prior to the first session, you’ll receive an email inviting you to the group.

  • Yes! I never want cost to be a barrier to not just quality mental health care, but also access to liberatory spaces and we do our best to offer affordable pricing to Associates because of the unequal hierarchy in this profession and I realize some still might need some flexibility. If you additional flexibility, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

  • Yes. Check out the links below to purchase a copy for yourself or borrow from your local library.

    Please note: The links below are affiliate links that earn Embodied Journeys a commission on each purchase, which is used to help fund our equity pricing program.


*A portion of proceeds from purchases using these affiliate links return to Embodied Journeys and are used to fund the equity pricing program.

September 27

The Body Is Not An Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love